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Cooperation with Robert pölzl and bernd weinzirl

 Remote from spain  astrocamp Nerpio

 Setup robert pölzl


Sh2-88 in Vulpecula

Klick for full image

instrument: Newton 14" F3.8 1333mm
camera: FLI 8300
mount: ASA DDM85
guiding: Guiding Lodestar
exposure time: LRGB 600-200-190-200 total  apprx. 19h50min
location,date: Nerpio  Remote
processing: Pixinsight 1.8, Photoshop CS4
object info emission nebula
transparency, seeing 7/10    2''
distance 7800 ly
dimension image 40' x 30' 
notes FLI -30 °C,  LRGB  Filter Baader

All Images Copyright  © Patrick Hochleitner