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Image Acquisition and copyright Robert Pölzl

Image Processing Astrokooperation with Dieter Beer

NGC3521 Bubble galaxy in leo



Larger  Image  here




instrument: Newton with Alluna Optic 14,5" (f3,8) 1402mm with 3" ASA Wynne corrector
camera: Fingerlake FLI 8300
mount: Astrophysics AP1200 GTO
guiding: Maxim DL
exposure time: L 50 x 10 min.R 16 x 11 min.G16 x 10 min.B 18 x 12 min.Total: 16 hours 12 min
location,date: Salzstiegl / Styria, 2012-02-21+22, 2012-03-22+28
processing: Theli, Pixinsight 1.7, Photoshop CS4
object info Galaxy SAB(rs)bc;HII LINER
magnitute 8,9
seeing FWHM ~ 4,35
distance NGC3521 11,2 Mpc
dimension 9,5' x 9,5'
notes Fingerlake FLI 8300 -35°C

All Images Copyright  © Patrick Hochleitner